Thursday, December 11, 2008

Some internet, lots of frustration

The Comcast saga seems to be over. After MANY more visits by Comcast techs, multiple line re-runnings (including the major line that connects floors 2 through 6 of oru building to the world) someone FINALLY listened to us and gave us a new cable modem.

Guess what? It worked. The new cable modem fixed the issue. I've been monitoring the connection for a month now and connection quality is nearly perfect. What really irritates me about the whole thing is that we asked every single tech who came out (somewhere in the range of 15 - 20 of them) for a new cable modem, just to be sure to that wasn't the problem. None of the techs would give us one. We were told repeatedly that "the cable modem isnt' the problem". Odd, turns out it was.

I still hate Comcast, but at least I have workable internet now.

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